Compared to 114.1 Hours last tour, that's not too bad. Had we flown these last couple of days it would have probably matched that total if not surpassed it.
All in all it was a good tour, now I'm just waiting for my plane ride outa here.
Christmas over here did not come without it's fair share of "action". I mean, how could they call themselves terrorists if they didn't attack the biggest Western Holiday of the year?!?!
2 Rocket Attacks, one against a major intersection in the city, one against the US Embassy, and an IED detonated all gave light to the fact that there is still a lot of resentment towards the West being here. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, some ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) people lost their lives in these tragic events. None of the "intended targets" appear to have been injured.
I went to the plane today to gather the rest of my belongings and say farewell to everyone over here, as I likely won't see them again until March when I should return. Of course nothing is for certain over here and the political climate is changing every day.
That's become an accepted part of life for all of us over here. Our "Go Bags" always at the ready, the plane always topped up with "Escape Fuel"... We never know when we may just have to pick up and leave... IN A HURRY!
Our Christmas in the compound was quite good, as good as can be expected with loved ones 10,000 kms away. The internet slowed to a crawl as no doubt everyone was skyping with friends and family alike.
The Baron did a wonderful job with the dinner last night, we had quite the spread, and Holiday music to make everyone sort of feel "at home" as best they could.
Our crew threw together a bonfire in the evening with apple cider and roasted marshmallows (Thanks Andrea!). One of our new friends from over here joined us to recite some of the Poetry of Hafez. Quite a famous Iranian poet from the 14th Century who wrote some beautiful works, full of deep meaning and significance. In fact, his works are found in nearly every household in Iran, as words of inspiration.
Today will be a quiet day with not too much going on. Again, just waiting for the plane...
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