Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Interesting Times

The seasons are definitely changing over here.  It's getting cooler in the evenings, and definitely more reasonable during the days.  Today was not bad at all.  Some of the outstations are still getting very nice weather for the close of October.   Still seeing temperatures around 30 degrees in Herat.

Kabul is quite mild in the 20's during the day.  So that's quite nice.  The evenings do get quite cool though.

The weather is starting to turn in the valley's as well.  Starting to cloud over and get fogged in in the mornings.  So in the future we can anticipate some delays until that stuff burns off as the sun gets to it.

Our driver the other morning got the vehicle hung up in a huge bunch of razor wire.  Wrapped all in amongst the axle and tire.  In the wheel well the whole works.  At least we know now that razor wire is pretty effective at stopping a passenger vehicle.

Heard a pretty suspect sound outside of our residence today as well.  Sounded like a gunshot just after our vehicle dropped us off.  There was no lockdown though, so difficult to say what happened.   Could have been a motorcycle backfiring for all we know.  Typically if anything happens that close, there will be a lockdown, especially right outside our gates.

Anywho, on a more positive note, here are some pictures of the changing seasons in Afghanistan.

The route to Faizabad is looking pretty white!

Pretty Rugged Stuff Below

From Today Enroute to Herat

Very cool Rock Formations

Chagcharan Airport From 22,500 ft (Elevation of Airfield - 7,500 ft)

CH-53 Stallion Bringing Soldiers Back to Base
(Notice the Machine Gunner on the rear ramp)

Here's the Formation - 60 Troops!
For the Lord of the Rings Fans, their callsign on the radio is "Nazgul"

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