It's getting pretty white out in the mountains now. Almost that time of year over here.
Flying has been going pretty decent so far. Still trying to adjust to the jet-lag thing. Having a tough go this time for some reason. It's a good thing I brought a jacket, as it's starting to get kinda cold over here now.
A bit of a change with the flying for the past couple of days. We've been using the opposite end of the Runway in Kabul. It's a little unusual because Kabul has always sort of been a "one-way" strip. But, with the strong winds from the east, it's become necessary to use the other end. Makes for some sporting descents, because we don't have the room to get space and come around the airport.
Tomorrow is the regular North Run, so should be a good day.
The internet is suuuuuper slow here now at the Baron. Even worse than last time. I'll try to edit this post with some photos as soon as I can...
EDIT: Here's the photos, after about a half hour of uploading...
Getting Pretty White in the Peaks
Safi Charter
Appears to be a 767 from Jordan
The Jordanian Charter is possibly people returning from the Haj in Saudi Arabia. There's also an Iranian Charter airplane often in Mazar-e Sharif.
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