The job has been going great! I'm still loving all the traveling and the Lear! Been seeing all kinds of exciting places.
Here's a set of flags to show all the countries I've visited so far.
left to right we have: Afghanistan, Argentina, Bolivia, Canary
Islands, Chile, Croatia, France, Gabon, Germany, Iceland, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Spain, Switzerland, Tukmenistan, UAE, UK and USA
(With Canada of course in the Middle)
The View from my Hotel Window
The Marina behind the Hotel
A Walk for Dinner in Split
A few photos of Split Airport - Quite the busy little strip.
The Reddish Patch in the Middle is Venice
Another very interesting recent trip was to Durham in the UK. It was a very interesting town and the hotel was incredible.
The hotel was a historic manor house that is still owned by the same family. They kept the very rustic appeal to the place, and it was an amazing location.
More Downtown Middlesbrough
Notice the Pigeon with no feet in the foreground of the pic.
A View of the room.
The roof window in the room.
One of the Lounges
Some of the trophies.
The Fireplace in the Drawing Room
More Trophies and Artwork
The Drawing Room
Some of the old maps in the hotel. This is the Thames Estuary.
KLM Cityhopper is the only way to fly out of Middlesbrough. So anyone wanting to go to London, actually has to travel via Amsterdam.
Recently I've also done a trip to Tenerife in the Canary Islands, a Spanish Colony just off the coast of Africa. We were the second crew on a two-crew journey to Nigeria. The details of the trip I cannot go into, however here are some photos of the adventure!
Hotel Courtyard
Various Photos around Tenerife
A Small Fortification on the Waterfront
People swimming in the breakwater
The Art Centre / Concert Hall
Nearby rocks on the breakwater had various musicians and artists painted on them.
A View Towards the City
More of the Breakwater
Near the Concert Hall
One of my Very Busy Weeks. Over 22,000 kms flown in 5 days.
A View of the Atlantic Ocean - The Vast Expanse of Nothingness that's rarely seen this clear.
I will try to make updates more frequent from here out. Hopefully I'll be able to do so.
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