Saturday, 12 July 2014

Downtime's a Downer

Well we're sure getting more than our share of downtime on this rotation.  I've been here almost 2 weeks and flown a grand total of 3 times...

Lot's of spare time on this tour, and unfortunately with the deteriorating security conditions, we are unable to leave the compound anymore.  It's just become too risky.

We're staying safe though, and will be flying tomorrow (Sunday).

We've been having lots of BBQ's and now have a deep fryer, for doing chicken wings and fries and donuts.  The poutine we've been making is out of this world!!!

Anywho.  Not much to say, its been really slow around here.  More to write tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Wait- can you hear that? I can hear your arteries clogging from here! Seriously though- stay safe!
