Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Flew Two - Two Off (So Far)

I don't think I'll be doing 114 hours in this rotation.  I don't know if I'll even end up doing 80...

There's so much downtime as compared to before, its crazy!

We did fly Sunday and Monday this week so far.  Had today (Tuesday) and tomorrow off.

You can definitely tell that ISAF is no longer present in many of the airports across the country and they have been handed over to the locals again.

The runway conditions are sure not what they used to be.  Kunduz Airport is starting to get slightly overgrown, as there are now plants (not just weeds...  PLANTS) growing through the runway.

Kunduz Airport

Also managed to snap some photos of a couple of Blackhawks the other day in Mazar

There's definitely a lot less activity going on around the country now that ISAF work is winding down.

But, things are still active!!!

A-10 Warthog Passes over us on the way to Jalalabad

Tonight we had another BBQ, with steaks, potatos with Cheese, and some veggies.   It was delicious!   I have to hand it to the South African crew.  They sure know how to cook a steak over an open fire!

Here's a couple of photos of some damage from a rocket attack at Kabul the other day.

These hangars are FAR away from where we park, so there was no danger to our aircraft at all.

Still coming in on a regular basis.

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